Friday, April 25, 2014

Babies should be created the way God intended

Meaning sex between one man and one woman. No test tubes, no rented uterus and vagina. No hand maidens. Of course there were hand maidens in the Old Testament, but that is mankind's evil, which God sometimes seems to use for his own purposes.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Have a Blessed Easter Everyone

I didn't want to injure anyone with my banned voice, but I don't know how to worship Jesus without singing, so I didn't go to church today.
A few weeks ago, a woman said to me, Bless us with your singing, which I thought was apropos, however conceited that sounds.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dallas Buyer's Club : Not What It Claims to Be

Despite Matthew McConaughey's excellent acting in this film, and his gratitude towards God in his Oscar acceptance speech, watching Dallas Buyer's Club still left me with a sullied, almost violated feeling from all of the egregiously voyueristic close ups of female butt cheeks, breasts, and girl on girl stripper sex. I was grateful only for Netflix so that I could constantly fast forward, especially when a stripper's naked butt filled the entire screen. Seeing women filmed so callously this way deeply offended me as a woman. Undoubtedly, the audience did not need all those gratuitiously sleazy visuals---whose only  effect was of making prostitutes out of unknown actresses whom no one will remember---in order to get the idea that the main character of Ron Woodruff led a white trash life. His constant use of the "f " word and the fa#g#t word was enough to tell us that.

It is ironic also how transvestites like Jared Leto's character were portrayed as being classier than the average straight female in the film, with the exception of the Madonna- like stock character of the doctor with whom Woodruff is in love. So straight women are either madonnas or whores, this movie says, while gay men and transvestites are fully fledged, complex people.

Essentially, McConaughey won the Oscar for this movie because of its political sympathy for AIDS and all the titillating sex and nudity, not because his acting was any better than his excellent acting in 2012's Mud, a drama that I loved.  In my opinion, Dallas Buyer's Club is not much to be proud of, for its negative treatment of women as degrading sex objects outweighs its expose value concerning AZT and big pharm manipulation. It's nice that McConaughey is grateful to God, and he seems like a decent person, but making movies full of such egregiously graphic nudity and degradation of women  is not consistant with being a Christian, something he was raised to be.

Friday, April 18, 2014


Today I had some poetry submissions returned to me in the US mail as undeliverable even though the address is correct and my handwriting is extremely clear. Like I said, Fuck the US government. I know this is not an accident.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Fuck the US government

I let my pit bull eat the US flag last week, because it is good for nothing as there is no freedom left in this country, or the world, for that matter.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Purpose of this blog

I am not writing to purposely offend, yet I am not writing to make friends. As Jesus said, I come with a sword to divide. I am writing to speak the truth that I have a need to say and a God given right to say. Most of all, I express the truth to survive.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

And Along Comes Dustin

Very recently I was standing among people who were doing everything they could to bring me down--insidiously, subtly-- as if I were standing amid a pack of cowardly wolves and thieves whom God will pay back one day,  and along came Dustin, to save the day and my soul that moment. With his bright, shining, joyous smile, sparkling blue eyes, glowing white skin that blushes just so-- just the way I like it.  He came over to talk to me as a person worthy of respect and congratulations-- and also frankly worthy of some desire, but who cares? We were just talking. Dustin cute and caring and saying to me one day, "You need to always think, before you do something: Does this take me one step closer to who I want to be, or one step farther away?" Which is exactly what I needed to hear and remember.

I am sure Dustin will remain a passerby in my life, but I will always remember him and be grateful for his caring and his words. So this is for Dustin.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Why Being Against Gay Marriage Does Not Make You a Hater, Rather an Affirmer of Religious Values

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and their own religion, including the right to follow the Bible and have their political opinions be influenced by being a practicing Christian.  The Old Testament makes clear that a man should cleave to a woman and "become as one flesh," that the sexual practices in Sodom and Gomorrah were aberrant to God. 

As a Christian I should not HATE homosexuals, (and I don't), and in fact I should not hate anyone, but I have a right to feel that homosexual sexual practices are not God's ideal, even if genetics  does play a part in their sexual choices. If homosexuals cannot live any other way than they do, than as a Christian I should have empathy for them. But I should not be expected to feel that their relationships should be sanctified by the government on the same par as the holy union of a man and woman. Two men can never complement each other as a man and woman would; neither can two women complement each other as a  man and woman would. Homosexuality is a form of attraction for incomplete individuals who are essentially running from their own God destined identities on a subconscious level, even if it is not wholly their fault that they run from themselves. This is what I will teach my children, whether ANYONE I know likes it or not.
A child is always a blessing no matter what the circumstances.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Resistance can be something beautiful and perfect, like a flower or something growing inside of you.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

And the winner is: France!! Right now France is coming in first on the home stretch with 20 views, followed by a poor second showing by the US with 8 views, and Germany and Peru bringing up the rear with 1 view each today. However, I appreciate all views, humor aside. These stats are for real, by the way, not April Fools humor. To my French viewers, Merci beaucoup. Je suis contente.

Just Think

by Catharine Otto
for R. S.H.
If only you would let me
Spread my wings I just might be able
To fly you to yourself—
Together—Us –Free
United against the reign of pain.

My loyalty cries out
To SERVE! Feels strangulated
Like a diver with the bends—
Coming up from falling waters
Too fast—
Or a soldier parachuting
Down the sky
To an empty Earth;
And the worst part is--
Like a seesaw in the wind--
In leaving you, I  don’t know who I’ve betrayed, hurt more:
You or me.